Monthly Archives: October 2023

Discursive culture

Crackling with religious spirit, a hidden sibling shows positive psychopathy? Bargaining in his head, he became resigned to a life of work. Liberation in what we don’t know won’t make us impervious to problems!

Collateral on her crusade was logic fueled by emotion. Primed to be weak, he could move with the world! He thought that there is pain in distance; purchased, but not experienced is a war no one cares about….

More gameful and less apologetic, he was now dripping with cool…she took a shot of innocence in stead of projected alterity!? His floor-dwelling ways left me with a taste for discipline.

I need a brave miracle, as well as to be entrained by an aesthetic! I am not an egg-headed brown boy. To scrutinize, or look away? Why dress oneself with metaphors, when his roar filled the stadium? I was a scene gamer: inundated with good ideas–disgusted by his spawn, he sees heartbreak on a screen….

Purpose up the wazoo is what we have! Flip narratives like they’re nothing! Persistence of a persona eclipses her embarrassing origin. I suggest you focus on the chill. Protect or express a dream?!

Survive, and learn to be more you. Cookie-cutter Asian engineer…. Perils of being a nerd are a big, Harry Potter letdown. Skyward shimmers in this rule-bound existence can lead to being systematically annoyed!?! Why; supervising autism in a cascade of ignorance could be a luxurious, unshap(e)able life…a future in which you’re sorry is only contingently funny~

One errant Cheeto is the start of feminine carefulness….

The ideal was asleep…

Go away from the goad! Relationships have ends, and they are their own end. Death is existential nothingness.

Develop a realistic model of reality! My daily “hello quota” is drowning in intention. A risk is just that: something can go wrong.

Paragon of the mask! Take over the creative world! Sacrifice some breath. Coexist with nonsense….

The seriousness of a situation leads to becoming all worded out. It is a stupid state, in which one’s mask hangs low.

Metaphorical lava! Complying with the rules of that game is not overcoming the imagination? I thought I was good, but now I have the chance to be.

I don’t know why I was on my phone~ Perhaps, I was busy riding the drama wave. I can be independent and wrong, like when I seized psychology!

What if love had sight: could it see through the darkness of pizza?! With energy to execute, you can go fishing for values. Can I affirm that dogma?

Is life a game? If the shoe fits…on reality? We could all use a math rhapsody. No one wants to talk to a guy who can’t keep a straight mask!

Really made room for that coffee. You can be neurotic about balance, while accumulating sadness. All of it is about the futility of the situation…!

Why, we shouldn’t be so happy!? In Hollywood, I can take one for evolution. When low on drama, end all power struggles—everywhere. When I’m scrambled by literature, the futility of itching is salient. I take a new sploosh, then I disappear into techne.

Sad biege babies are not the same as a casual food baby. Am I a nerd about love? Don’t abuse your eye! Keep that presidential humor and bloated image in mind. We are all used for our bodies…. Follow the collective.

I’ve been called many things: helper; therapist…but you may call me BI.