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Anyone wanna make a new, American language typeset?

–reflecting percentages of each language found to be spoken in the U.S.


check the friendship box

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Discursive culture

Crackling with religious spirit, a hidden sibling shows positive psychopathy? Bargaining in his head, he became resigned to a life of work. Liberation in what we don’t know won’t make us impervious to problems!

Collateral on her crusade was logic fueled by emotion. Primed to be weak, he could move with the world! He thought that there is pain in distance; purchased, but not experienced is a war no one cares about….

More gameful and less apologetic, he was now dripping with cool…she took a shot of innocence in stead of projected alterity!? His floor-dwelling ways left me with a taste for discipline.

I need a brave miracle, as well as to be entrained by an aesthetic! I am not an egg-headed brown boy. To scrutinize, or look away? Why dress oneself with metaphors, when his roar filled the stadium? I was a scene gamer: inundated with good ideas–disgusted by his spawn, he sees heartbreak on a screen….

Purpose up the wazoo is what we have! Flip narratives like they’re nothing! Persistence of a persona eclipses her embarrassing origin. I suggest you focus on the chill. Protect or express a dream?!

Survive, and learn to be more you. Cookie-cutter Asian engineer…. Perils of being a nerd are a big, Harry Potter letdown. Skyward shimmers in this rule-bound existence can lead to being systematically annoyed!?! Why; supervising autism in a cascade of ignorance could be a luxurious, unshap(e)able life…a future in which you’re sorry is only contingently funny~

One errant Cheeto is the start of feminine carefulness….

The ideal was asleep…

Go away from the goad! Relationships have ends, and they are their own end. Death is existential nothingness.

Develop a realistic model of reality! My daily “hello quota” is drowning in intention. A risk is just that: something can go wrong.

Paragon of the mask! Take over the creative world! Sacrifice some breath. Coexist with nonsense….

The seriousness of a situation leads to becoming all worded out. It is a stupid state, in which one’s mask hangs low.

Metaphorical lava! Complying with the rules of that game is not overcoming the imagination? I thought I was good, but now I have the chance to be.

I don’t know why I was on my phone~ Perhaps, I was busy riding the drama wave. I can be independent and wrong, like when I seized psychology!

What if love had sight: could it see through the darkness of pizza?! With energy to execute, you can go fishing for values. Can I affirm that dogma?

Is life a game? If the shoe fits…on reality? We could all use a math rhapsody. No one wants to talk to a guy who can’t keep a straight mask!

Really made room for that coffee. You can be neurotic about balance, while accumulating sadness. All of it is about the futility of the situation…!

Why, we shouldn’t be so happy!? In Hollywood, I can take one for evolution. When low on drama, end all power struggles—everywhere. When I’m scrambled by literature, the futility of itching is salient. I take a new sploosh, then I disappear into techne.

Sad biege babies are not the same as a casual food baby. Am I a nerd about love? Don’t abuse your eye! Keep that presidential humor and bloated image in mind. We are all used for our bodies…. Follow the collective.

I’ve been called many things: helper; therapist…but you may call me BI.


Don’t be excessively image-focused. What a virtue is phrase vomit? If every job is a lesson, what is a career?

Something might mean something…except if romance is not stable. Or, if the parameters of democracy have shifted. Only the soul can be radically happy!

I found myself driving in a white Tesla sandwich. This did not make me the king of neutral colors. I miss my old friend, the jock of special ed–he would systemize in a certain way!

If the moon is my strength, it may not matter if there is excitement in my tendons. Rom-com City is a place others have suggested they live in. Netting a Kingdra was a corollary benefit to a prior hunt….

Am I entitled to the world; do you share a secret pact with women? Watch not if I return to my old madness! My device ethic needed work.

“Walking, talking parent-pleaser” was not my ambition. God contains all of our feelings. I meant not to waste her movement, nor would you cut her off like a cancer! Take care not to over-feminize the virtual: restore the concepts if you buy into the melting pot.

Nor am I addicted to reinforcement (except for likes on WordPress posts!). Were I oversold on individualism, I could be…

~fumbled the ball that was her heart~

I re-met he who is most certainly not a waste of teacher! Time has a mind of its own…once, I was put off by my own weirdness….

A reminder: people are not broken clocks! Random alpha stuff supersedes a deliberate beta. “Sucker for my interests”–what, then, of a creator’s ego (where does it go)?

I declined a polite invitation to the People Problems Club. There is a logic to living here…for success, is it to be as androgynous as can be? I would reinforce the break after you latte it away~

Actually, don’t wash out the feminine. Exploit a narrative in your rush of survival! Witness a break from awareness: watch as you turn flightier than a flight of stairs. Cultivate a sustainable emotionality, becoming a man with no disorder! Waste a lifetime commitment to the internet….

Adventure had left my body. Here, I fidget with the internet…a real win for commitment? This is, at best, a rom-com perspective. Don’t criticize his ethic: he was oppressed by (a) god who told him to summon strength from the gut. This eventually led him on a quest to collect the virtues.

Sick ego, bro…I didn’t mean to throw you under the bus. You can’t language yourself out of it! I’ll take charge of my psychology before being attracted to her fantasy. I don’t need to be “Shiny-told”….

Something is between nothing and some-things….

Let there be no glitches in God’s plan. Our lives can be stubbornly virtual! Dig your clinical claws in, and debug my mind. Avoid making an a**holic turn, throwing your emotional weight around with virtual tenacity.

Drain your instincts, or be psychologically fortunate. Either way, you march toward culture! Why be suspicious of my mood? Just as I was overflowing with being, I woke up in a fever dream. I’d become paranoid about depression, playing with diagnostic labels.

Narrate my experience with these avatars of madness! I aim to break up Panda Express’ olfactory monopoly on the proximal outdoors.

Sexual objectification is othering. Divine sweet spot…. Brave dua!

Welcome to my Mimikyu corner. Protect the individual at all costs?! Don’t let your worries take the wheel; launch yourself into subjectivity. Try not to develop a relating-with-others problem~

Free yourself from the stimulus (that is, respond). Forsake the Abrahamic scuffle as you look back toward broken commitment shards.

Hasten my heat death, I hoped against. No one should live in a perpetual state of sorry…. Descend into the world of avatars, grasping for the techne just as I escaped that context. You protect the numbers?

Pluck her from Pioneer Blvd. Not a try-harder–but rather, a “succeeder”: affirm Abraham Lincoln’s hierarchy of nah. It is better to eat pancakes than to have waffled on love!

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) and relationships

Over a year ago, my mom urged me against having a tit-for-tat mentality in relationships. Since then, I have wondered: does this mean pure cooperation–no defection at all (ideal)–or only defecting after two offenses? Everyone deserves a second chance…but, what about a third?

As someone new to the field of ABA, I got to wondering this past week about its discouragement of punishment. Punishment in the field can be justified perhaps only as follows: a client fails to produce correct behavior more than twice in a row. (This occurs after a reinforcement protocol of correct behavior.) After two offenses, what is a competent behavior interventionist to do without giving up? One answer would be to switch to a better reinforcement procedure, such as differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI). It is better to teach over an inappropriate behavior with a replacement behavior than to take away something valued.

Tit-for-tat might be the optimal strategy to employ in a prisoner’s dilemma setting. But, its success as a relational tactic is likely only limited to such contexts. Certainly, escalating or snowballing with someone into mutually frustrated (or, God forbid–vengeful) behavior won’t be a good time! But in settings like romantic relationships or ABA, tit-for-tat should be transcended in favor of always seeking to establish cooperation (or, worst-case, healthily-spirited competition or friendly rivalry).

Love keeps no record of wrongs. Let them go with forgiveness and grace, and work to do better in one’s relationships next time!

Grief (and beyond): Netflix’s *Never Have I Ever* 《spoilers》

A central theme running through this series is grief. Devi Vishwakumar and her mother must face the recent death of the former’s dad and latter’s husband. I just finished watching Season 3, which seems to give the most solid treatment of Devi’s grief.

The first explicit case of grief in this season happens as Devi moves on after Paxton breaks up with her. Narrator John McEnroe lists three of five stages of grief per Kübler-Ross’ model: anger (“raging”), depression (“wallowing”)–and finally, acceptance.

Devi notes to therapist Jamie Ryan (played by Niecy Nash) that her life is going well, and she feels guilty for such given her late father Mohan’s passing. In Episode 9 of this season, Devi plays her first harp concert since Mohan’s heart attack at her performance just a couple of years prior. After retreating anxiously to the bathroom just before playing in this season’s concert, Devi is able to confide in her boyfriend Des’ mother Rhyah that she had a visual hallucination of Mohan sitting in the audience.

Rhyah validates Devi’s feelings, supporting her enough for Devi to successfully play through her performance. While Rhyah is later shown to not be fully understanding, this portion of Season 3 shows Devi being able to lean on those close to her as she copes with her feelings of grief.

Finally, following Paxton’s graduation speech at the end of the season, Devi acknowledges that he got her through her dad’s death. This is a touching moment worthy of a goodbye, as Paxton will be leaving Sherman Oaks (and Devi) to attend Arizona State University. What starts off as an enduring obsession with Paxton for Devi ends up being a “dream” that allows her to move forward and let others into her life. Overall, Devi handles her grief maturely by letting people get close to her throughout the series.

As someone who has studied and/or worked in the field of psychology for 13 years, I look forward to seeing what Devi’s previously defining grief transforms into in Season 4. After learning acceptance through her relationship with Paxton, what will come next for this teenage Indian-American character?

hesitant to make the cut

ignore not any undeniable sign from God

Brought the party to AugCog…

the peace in his heart

mushroom boon

a life of culture

closed your heart to love forever

riding on my own demise

relentlessly pursue feelings

ambivalence is the name of the game

reinforce any hierarchies

Projection: thy name is S.G.!

Writing is a doing

where your heart lifts you

I could smell a dual relationship coming from a mile away.

where I learned what real intimacy was

hopelessly engaged

float spacelessly

authentically in pain

caught her self-doubt

Dark Magic Attack on her heart…

resigned to research

glut for abuse

after a long period of intellectualizing

media spirit animal

drawn to the jackal

limits of my being

armor of prevention

Martin Luther King energy

dancing around my heart

Spoopy sounds from yesteryears

individualistic devil

enlighten men

If a tool (or tech) doesn’t make a job easier–don’t use it!

Lib u from angur…

cultural dummy

pleasure nap

The magic in man

attracted to absurdism

the wrong pensieve

baked into subjectivity

violated my own heart

defend against a heart attack


fashion took over my life

pass on the jealousy

reduce to a belief statement

covid sanctuary

squelch that aesthetic

constrained by culture

powerful theory-builder

Chase a media dream

profession stigma

trivialize the existential

existential on a bad level

reality becomes transparent

comfortable and fertile

sick obsession with yourself

As sure as my feet are cold!

negate the collective

feminist cue

Biden of the world

Too much time functioning

Drive me, Crazy!

Pass me that romantic baton. Conduct a feeling experiment–but not while playing mindless Pokémon GO…. Here is where the literal and figurative merge!

The dinner front conveniently hosted a magazine collective? “I’m free!” Cried the Indian man in English. To suffer and smolder befits a model who twinkles like science! By the way: no one wants to be reduced to an NPC…even if I was primed for fossils, I do not have an ambition to be an autist liberator.

…Nor would I have “outsourced my mom”!? What crazy cognition! I’m a reflexivity bro; you’re a moody pixie dream-girl…. I have witnessed at least one anti-ABA tirade. Regardless, I refused the other day to be screwed by Grotle! Perhaps we could use an ultimate BI success story.

I owe it (this) to reflection, firstly! Meanwhile, I am very linguistically baffled…as well as something of a research vigilante? You and I might be bound by the algorithm: where your enlightenment laid!

Traverse not into the desert of my love life! You may–like me and others– become unduly affected by media…. You cannot oppress me with money! Please, do not resent me for my tendinitis!

Any language can be an abstract unifier! Does any business need a Google Analytics monk?

He who speaks the language of the oppressor!

I’m no eminent smart-boy…warming up to an old friend. Is it that there is meaning in every occurrence? There’s something romantic about a wandering heart–

I need not a sedative for my feelings. I shy from the face of the rejector. By this, do I hope to live a life of approval?! I control the flow of my cognition. Still: what does it mean to be a wanting being?

The truth is very resilient! It is not bent on stealing your thoughtfulness. Nor does it insist to quiet the world down….

“Name one thing Trump said that was racist,” I challenged.

The other man banged his mug of beer on the bartop. “Wait–” he sputtered. “Why are we talking about someone who’s not even around anymore?!”

Now, we may live increasingly beneath the blanket of healthcare. Speaking of “blankets”: I must not go too ham on the religion front! It seems easy to default to Christianity; record of my heart, please cease to carry the weight of a story. For I have ceased feeling magical–don’t burrito shame me!

Everyone isn’t “just anyone”. Just anyone is irreducibly aesthetic! Rather than being humbled at every turn, I acknowledge having set my heart back….