Category Archives: lifetry


See through your ego: abandon your scholarship. Avoid continuation of the anger characterizing a herd emotionality. Do not insist on sense; affirm her rejection! Mindy was our martyr….

Let go of those nerves! Get bored of the right things. Let your chill go, and miss the rebound of all rebounds…while falling into empathy? Pure souls have clear perception! How do fragmented selves unite?!

Some of us have been exposed to waifus. This can paradoxically make one closed off to the (real) feminine! I won’t burn our heart…not even the face of craziness could make me. My spiritual connection with the English language might be fading. Interacting with the subject matter could be well-advised! Outgrowing the Occidental culture should not lead to a sour imagination. Anyway–drinking alcohol is a social convention. It’s too bad I couldn’t get my friendship boner to stay up….

Create in your home an aria of chill. Even then, declare: “This is Level 80 Town!”

Intuition is precious. Anger up the wazoo is to be expelled at one’s earliest convenience. Acknowledge when someone was the wrong person; wrong person….

Have I lost my mind in my wardrobe? Being honest to the breakup could involve getting over someone via manga….

Don’t call me the Joey Wheeler of relationships! What is the “faith of balance”? With all of this generosity flying around in random directions: I wonder what will happen? “No interest. No Sood.” He didn’t want to live in a movie with you!? Keep in mind the pop culture substrate!

Burn out on variety, and let yesterday’s fools become tomorrow’s sages.

The purity of the visit was appreciated. Soulmate studies could take up story lines like: I wanted to disappear into romance with you.

Do I have a disgraceful beard?

Dreams die in men’s hearts. Ah–the AugCog kind of life…. Enter a caring space: stay within human!

Eschew any powerful detachment from reality~


The Universe moves through you. Don’t take it out on your career…. Armed with western psychology, you might cease to live in an interesting way!

There’s nothing exciting about “neutral”. Be a gummy lord, but ask: Where was the ground beneath us? Try love in a liberal democracy: date a 25-year-old delight 😯 Be a calm taco–forge a good relation with woman.

Feel the winter chill on your bones? That’s the result of my past, hedonistic ways! At least, I don’t take my own madness seriously…

No one wants to be overrun by other religions. Latent willpower can save you; I took the story into my own hands. No emo-ness to report, there!

What if you conform to her judgments of the situation of us? God–I really sucked from the tit of existentialism: huh? Not to prove I’m not a pig, or anything…

While purely at ease, you won’t be too sensitive from the breakup. You might become a meme-y guy, in which case you could join a party with Christians. I should have stayed a nerd! He is entitled to feel emo (as we all might be).

A Ph.D. in Chanda Studies may well exist by the time I’m through. No playing the suppression game: any Freudian one is a testy concept. Through my innovative powers, I now discard that cognition! “Bonding over individualism” might seem possible to someone who is thrown off by fiction…I won’t be an Orichalcos daddy.

I would never try to criticize her darkness. Am I obsessed with being active? Why: activity is integral to my being!

I awakened her vulnerability. “Freaking simps of culture!” She yelled. I control the flow of my cognition…yet, I passed them the sex bug.

Can you see me having fun with the oppressor’s language? Leave your grieving heart behind! Shoot over statistics while others are going blind, psychologically. Let them be riddled with subjectivity; be careful not to disappear into your grief.

Slippery for naught?

Mistakes are just baked into life. “It drains you of your tension”, he said. I paused.

Am I to stimulate that moral intuition? We are soft about sex; also so as we make a mockery of the English language! Masturbation isn’t salvation; no–not the right kind!

I was bound by the stories I knew. A dogma of positivity need not be toxic. Her divine intuition was sparkling…I confess to have grown weary: frustrated with the maybes. Hedonistic gods could have danced to them as I wept.

The past follows you around like a hairy limp. I wouldn’t have uttered a cliche, were I living a life of control! Lust can be my busy mistress: and work for good?

This post is an invitation to be positive. Match that softness! “Subjectivity really binds you”, he said. The nubster-chubster said it after a lifetime of eating my feelings.

That’s how fleeting things feel in her world. Crazy and moral: free, easy dialogue! Are Americans Anglo-something, after all…?

“Productivity must yield to enjoyment. I’m a busy man.” Central to your aesthetic should not be the heart of a lesser man–least not if you resent him for his weakness.

There’s a lot of life to learn! “If you let that guilt have its way with you”, he said, “bad things will happen.” Drama over drugs is one of the worst kinds. Drama over sex would come next.

Swiped my Switch! Being attracted to neutrality is what I hope to achieve for the Avegen of my imagination. Perfectly unattainable: also an Anglo-whatever?

A mind that big demands space. Still–don’t go so willingly! No–take a love sabbatical. Make sure not to break a woman’s care with that sensitivity to philosophy…

He slept early and woke up late, as though to avoid some monster out for full life-livers. My heart went into hiding. Conquer the material world to pave promising careers in retail! A string of hi’s can lead to a higher likelihood of othering: combat via an intricate recycling system…

The battle, surely, can help unleash the art historian! Having one’s heart’s in the search is vital…I am the master of soft touch!

Tango with my shadow, even though it needs to die a slow, metaphorical death. “Poor good”, he said as I succumbed to the moment. Faithful data collection led to the thought: Stereotypy is like a fire that we must extinguish!

I’m afraid I may had absorbed too much insanity. “This world is full of heartbreakers”, he didn’t say. “Live a life of softening!”

You can’t cover this one up with friendship. Certainly, the king of stupid ideas couldn’t pull it off?! A growing ideal–hurl it at the world: have it handed back, nice and damaged. The other is always enticing, yet simultaneously someone–nay, something–to be feared.

The name of a heartbreaker is being lost to the sands of a fragile mind being pushed by hope! Am I over humor: and if so, can I trust the social?

A rejoinder, as it were! Just looking for a world to save…. Empathy is a good guiding principle! Even at the end of your romantic rope, you may still test me for all of time.

Timid the tsunami~

A stinky human might stomp a relationship when trying to roll with the craziness. They may have been contemplating gaming all day…I wondered what new phenomena could be a lurking around the corner?

The like structure of my WordPress over years was fascinating to view! Straining to hold on, I drew an even breath. That’s the ideal thing about alcohol: moderately ingested, it can dampen the ever-vexing ego….

They tried to lure you in with big numbers: mental health juggernaut. The media demands it! I then took to becoming a Quora hero, answering every relationship question I was requested to.

We have all become mask ladies and lords…I was not called to until I acquired my first cool boy job. I need longer stretches of nothing!

My mind was in chaos (or was it crisis?). This is what serious melancholy doesn’t feel like–not least for a hard psychologist! That possibility sailed through her mind; light trauma can result in a science fast (especially if said trauma impairs one’s computational mind).

They be withholding my brain scan?! “What got up your butt?” She asked. I unclenched. Renounce the phone! I had been all romanced out, wasting my life away gaming….

Thoughts assailing my mind can lead to revelations. Dreams are like quantum waves: they change when we watch them. Lift me up from the tedium brought on by listening excessively to the great narrator in the sky!

Frantically trying to prove that I still care, I have been searching for my humanity. Did I offend my culture while doing so? Surely not those also working on their spirituality game. Is there no harm in being a holy integrator?

Commit to the chips–the sun shone on my life after I decided not to impress a philosopher. I think I went down a punk rabbit hole…. So many factors can influence the manifestation of personality.

‘Sane Killer’ is not the name of a ‘Thriller’-‘Smooth Criminal’ mashup. Inject some unpredictability! …And I knew what true, pure and deep happiness was. She was waiting to set me free as the world’s creative?

Tendinitis allowing….what I want is a taste of those feelings. Looking very picturesque on my break doesn’t disrupt my faith!

Closure felt cold, yesterday

Masturbation is comfortable, but should not be condoned (by any world religion). I realized this while wishing for a Godhat for Godhead! Premarital sex using birth control may be sin-lite; either way, we roll with trauma while striving to capitalize on the normal…

“You unvaccinated swine!” They yelled at me. I suppose they didn’t think this was both nice and necessary: I certainly did not…. If the project of individualism is to aggressively differentiate, could it wind up affirming one’s nature positively?

Many a sex elephant may have stumbled upon a series of realizations. I plan to never kneel at the site of my sin–also, a man without a car is as good as neutered. After May (or perhaps sooner!), my heart was soulbound to psychology. Yet in order to move on, his heart had to accept the logic. Why: I only thought to take advantage of my strength?

I never wanted to steal her personality. Yet two days ago, it was undeniable that I felt crackling with infinity…failing feelings don’t make us licensed to argue! Romance has its place and time (spacetime). Logic does, also!

Conform to the chair! Friends come and go; your soulmate is eternal. I may be a pseudo-autist: any undiagnosed person can be. Have I been poached by God!? Some who feel they have been start going blind to this society: at least, this is my thought as a runaway theorist (of theosophy)….

It doesn’t just negate who you are as a human being! I have (been) too easily touched. Really, it isn’t that that’s straight-up, some storge. Let’s think about this deftly: a psychological family is what I thought to have.

Some mornings, I rue the alarm! My heart’s playing the blues…they never tasted so good! It takes a special kind of schizophrenia to type like this. This pain is a bad episode!

When soft touch threatens to go too far…

…we resort to hiding the bro inside.

Serving the Irish crown, he realized: Her emotions are her truths. While in something or someone else’s service, subjects are often left to explore their psyches. Upon doing so, you might learn to let your hobby structure crumble however much it needs to at any given moment!

Going to the bathroom is a liberty, I thought gleefully. People can’t hoodwink a psychologist: but any old dry eye is prone to grow tired–weary of screens, of being open at all. Boomyah! The eyes close, and grateful sleep can ensue.

Her accent had a vague, Midwest twang. But he did not desire a piece of that dominance pie…. but power comes in multiple forms. For instance, I bet Mr. D has strong campfire game!

Normal++ is what it might be to marry a mutt? Either way, one could unleash their inner yahoo, and take to practicing fake color coordination. They said: “Whack him awake–and bring your best self to life…!”

Our ecosystem of shoes is more than what the intellect reveals. Peanut butter competitors might nonetheless share fake anime feelings with one another. Disregard media and transcend your check-the-box kinda life!

After excess spirituality, I took solace in materiality. Before…I was afraid of being swept into a suboptimal situation. I accommodated its end; I never wondered: “Sci-hub’s for chubs?”

No Thunder, all lightning might lead to an upset defeat. Coach Poliwrath can turn things around for its team; it can’t change someone who is boring and religious. Could a Froakie breakfast could be just what one needs while doing feminism a solid?

To be stuck in ambivalence is to live through a pointless, gray case. To this, surely the psychologist in me rebels–does not revel? As a psychologist, I cannot rationally gamble with my emotions…nor could one afford to do so as a killer academic.

One should not be high on trauma if they are safely squared away and married. Such a situation is not futile, yet compelling; one could still net a Kingler? This post is based from real events that may or may not have happened.

A holy Dragon Rush might excite a dispassionate explorer. Looking to politics for a religious solve is ill-advised. Tonight, I took the Sunday way home…and pulled away from her for the last time.

To eschew anti-authoritarian punctuation is punkschewnation.

Narrow and compelling…

…is the behavioral maze of life. I sidled up to that car; I was aware of the social terrain. What am I–a wizard of memory?!

“Share less, consume more!” This is an optimal mindset as we play with aesthetics. Suck it, nature!–is not…

Today, I feel like an advocate for Oshawott. I’ve been steadily on the behavioral road, this year. I was almost back on that shirt grind, so I pulled out my metaphorical skateboard and did the trick!…

Entering therapist mode makes me less prone to discredit the metaphor (whatever it is). Going on a tutoring hiatus may or might not be in my cards; but either way, I can stay a wily theorist. And even if I couldn’t–feeling in a perpetual (mental) state of breakup is unsustainable.

When my soul is in focus, I can feel like I’m actually a culturally(-)woke psychologist. Fitness crisis!? Why: that’s straight-up madness, most of all when I’m saddled with purpose.

Women are sacred sites, independent of whether one has a sorry love life. Only through religion can we legitimately idolize the ideal. So, too, is moral monitoring the province of this holy domain…

I wonder if anyone wants to hear: “Your destiny is broken.” Is it possible for this to happen–or would it be merely subverting the inevitable? In either case, no one–regardless of gender(s)–wants to land in a feminine gutter.

Live without disappointment: start by slowing down your car when the traffic light turns yellow! Even if yellow is the color of worry, it could also be the colour of your Thai curry. This is more than a meaningful, liberal proclamation…

Steer clear of the self-sufficiency bandwagon–and you just might pass by Misunderstanding City!


To save the research world is a big deal. Playing a Maslowian life is, too! If I play it right, people might think: He must have a sexy occipital lobe.

Double-reinforcing the punishment can mean a lock of both locks to punish myself for what I did…. Oh–if it were as simple to just Pesh-sesh life away. But, academia is not for the faint of mind!

Cheers to fitness. Do I have an income issue!? There’s no need to get all up in arms about assets

“I must not question maleness.” I wonder if–for some–being autistic was the rational answer. Heroic social research might examine this in-depth.

Blink-butt poop is a path to attaining a Yusei aesthetic. Or–possibly a Georgia persona?! White shoepremacy was a concern as I bought my first, pure white pair o’ kicks…

There is some truth in speed. Finding my BI’s voice might only be a quest! I pick up my heel like a kitten after moisturizing it.

She was my last temptation. A crescent moon and lightning can both be red on an angry summer night! Often, I am inundated with acronyms (like ‘SD’)…

I will sometimes think to bro around with a chick! After going to last weekend’s rock show, I dug into my math rock pocket. An airtight person will allow me to master this individualist’s game.

Some rings were just meant to be lost…. Drink some depressant. It won’t make us impossibly light-hearted.

Playing with Persona

Missing the last social meeting wasn’t Aug’ing my Cog, so I “finished” my “technical love” paper. Regardless, getting my Yu-Gi-Oh! fix has become a daily matter. I had a day of insight, yesterday; today is too young to judge.

She, for me, embodies all that is feminine. And I–for her–embody all that is masculine. This being said–there are no sympathetic bones in their body…who is “their”? They are someone lost in time: to me, lost to our past…

Conservatism runs deeper than that–that is, deeper than being both weird and dissonant. Passing the outgoing mantle can prevent one’s successor from displaying insidious behavior.

Am I a relatively extreme AugCog guy (for my age)? Yes; but in any case, an ineffective towel doesn’t dry well. The anguish of a romantic can, at times, feel quite palpable!

That was a subpar (beer) pull! I thought: perhaps I had sipped too much or little. To sully a friendship–is it not self-evident that such an idea lacks any merit, whatsoever? What I may have come to observe is that it’s not all roses and daisies in Diversity Land!

Yet, still…Lady Luck belongs with Gentleman Skill! I can pay attention in a productive way! I got out my Waifutop* just to type this all out…I’ve felt like I had an ambiguous romantic future since last year.

‘She’ was a detective of her own feelings. Meanwhile, troubleshooting myself re-presented itself as a psychological project during today’s shower…. My doctor never once told me to develop Blue Obelisk balls.

As long as that is her will, I will abide by it. I cannot negate it! Yet: I still fancy myself something of a warrior. I had tried and appealed to her values–but the lucrative anti covid-19 industry beckoned.

I have known more than one yahoo brother. Pacing and typing is peculiar to me; not for them. Positional reasons for doing something include feeling good, possibly practicing the non-Olympic sport of racquetball.

At certain places and events, I felt I might be vaguely looking for her…. This Ariana Grande-fueled lifestyle could go for only a time. If she’s always with me, then I’m not lost. My love outlives me!

This could become a small but powerful blog. Til then: I settle for being a someday-professor! Am I a research hippie? That’s a definite benefit…all the while, western science and fewer corporate intellectuals are jacked on neuroscience.

To enact romance as a values-Nazi can make one lose the urgency that didn’t result from genuine patience. At this point, I’m a griefmaster; Tool McToolio? Tendienitis can result from being a semi-professional magician of psychology.

As a secret GOAT, I uttered some statement and awakened her latent Catholicism! It would be a great, individualistic triumph to become a published theorist of reality. More than this, I want to release the shining light in my soul…

Simps of the universe unite, reconciling science with romance. She rage-married; yet: “Almost” isn’t “don’t?” An essay forming on my mind, I learned that we can have stupid sensibilities.

I was (just earlier today) on the threshold of evolution

*This denotes nothing existent–only fanciful.

Religious about academics

She looked at him with longing. He felt a breeze through the White House…. Earlier, he had worked on concretizing cognition.

“No one less than my soulmate” would he pause for on his antiviral crusade. The sun does not shine dimly on this man’s dream! It needn’t matter that he was assaulted by metal razor shaves in that mosh pit, two weeks prior.

Disjointed people need to be put back together after they fall apart. Are such people not especially sensitive to the problems of the world? Meanwhile, what I want to know is whether I would be assured in this-or-that purchase.

I do laundry when a cobble of clothes collects in the bin. No longer would I be whisked away by an exotic woman: this signifies intent, really! The blackness of heartbreak is due to a metaphorical cardiac cancer.

What Yu-Gi-Oh! GX‘s season 4 teaches us about the nature of pathogens like viruses is something I still don’t know. Sometimes, this show cuts through the chaos–resulting in a kind of psychological awakening…

Reincarnation uncertainty is real for partly-practicing Hindus (and, I suppose, Buddhists)! “It’s just another layer of dissonance,” replied the hard-nosed individualist. The manuscript that wouldn’t let go tugs on my subconscious (SbCs) sub-mind?!

Undo your feelings; your mind is a vacuum. The latter may only be a SbCs assumption. Racquetball is my buddy (until I realize my stamina needs sore work)! But when it’s too busy working to hang out, I can be happily anesthetized with ordinary anime.

A run-of-the-mill nerd performed a hedonic streak across his fraternity parking lot. To be solely focused on the right thing is to give up any and all artificial struggle…the break-up to end all break ups made me take off my hedonist’s cap. This mightn’t be a seasonal constant!

To be language’s fool in a brave and chaotic world. While clinging to our careers, we cease being magical and flinch on faith! Do not romanticize the monster anymore: cherish instead the gratitude monkey (mind).

“Am I thrown off, biologically?” A probable druggie may ask this. Social confession eases his sin all the way up to hell; but his soulmate hangup persists! Never mind the hickey chick who took what he no longer had…for him, this could be an exciting interpretation!

Why bother rousing an awakening man? Don’t release a storm! Nay: tease out love, (including its end as an individualistic decision). There is no need to steamroll my mom on it–not while facing the fallout from that 🍔!

Any trace of sympathy was confounded by a powerful witch, who broke up to be a creative.