Category Archives: Love

To Last from First: An Epic Loventure

This is the story of a man’s love voyage. It begins with a deep friendship between two fellow emo nerds in high school. It ends with the gift of my soul’s dream to another.

Once, a high school student lent his history notes to a classmate in English. The English teacher–who assigned readings of Jane Eyre and 1984–did not seem to notice. Though the main character did not know it, this classmate would become his first love.

Our protagonist’s second love followed from the first. This love was pretty with blue eyes, platinum blonde hair, and pale skin. The two enjoyed a nice summer together with their two best friends before saying goodbye, as each departed for their respective beach college.

The hero’s third love began over the internet, extending across the Atlantic Ocean from America to a Transylvanian castle. Disenchanted with his college’s shallow dating scene, the man falls in love with a charming woman’s prose. The two embarked upon a love journey of astonishing philosophical depth.

As his hero’s journey was ending, the man fell in love one last time. The woman this time was one he had met before at his home, purely by chance. He would be her first love, much as his own was for him; both his first and last loves were good friends and bridesmaids of his best girl friend in high school.

This has been my love voyage. There is no telling just how love will be born or come to be, but we must follow it to the very end. Will you and I, both–forever and together?


Apologies for the delay. I haven’t been feeling inspired enough to produce worthwhile content, over the past week.

Speaking of which, today’s blurb-esque post will be about inspiration. (How uninspired, you say? Balderdash! Poppycock! Gibber-flabber, gobbledygook, pishing-posh, …!)

It’s a tricky, capricious thing, inspiration. Bedevils and frustrates just about everyone who consistently engages in projects requiring it. Indeed, in order to create something, one must first be sufficiently inspired to act on forming that very thing. So, naturally, inspiration is very important in a variety of task-related contexts.

To help get us started, a quick run over to Google Search yields:

1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
synonyms: creativity, inventiveness, innovation, ingenuity, genius, imagination, originality; …

Very broad starting base, this. By the above definition, inspiration is a process that is directly involved in both motivation and the intrinsic stimulation required to do or feel something.

When I sat down and looked at this (then-empty) text-space last night, I thought: “I’m just not inspired enough to write anything.” But can inspiration not happen along the way during a project, rather than right at the start? Who’s to say when exactly inspiration will hit during an activity? In general, inspiration is not very finely traceable (for those without the appropriate neuroscientific tools with which to scan their mental processes in a visible format, that is). All too often, those of us who rely on inspiration (and everyone does) are very much at its unpredictable mercy.

I shall offer up a theory: that for those of us more regularly involved in the so-called creative arts–e.g., writing and the calligraphic arts–inspiration does, and should happen when we least expect it. This is because inspiration knows no master: its fickle nature occurs precisely because of our desperate attempts to capture and put a lid on it. Inspiration has a mind of its own: you could almost hear it taunting from across the room where you can’t reach it, “nuh-uh–I’ll call you!” as your pay-deadline for a project approaches nearer and nearer.

Why should things be so frustrating and complicated? Because by its very nature, inspiration’s product–namely, art–is all about relinquishing control and surrendering one’s sensibilities to the work being considered. Whether it’s nature, a painted masterpiece, or a perfectly eloquent line in a book that enthralls one’s imagination, the most genuine inspirations occur when one is falling in love with the object of his or her appraisal.

And love, that greatest work of art one could possibly create or become engrossed in, involves the ultimate in letting go of one’s usual controls and defenses. Inspiration hits when we are so inexplicably struck by the beauty of a thing, person, or idea, that one simply must “do or feel something–especially something creative”, for the purpose of an unequivocal, irrefutable, and undeniably-felt love.

And I say that’s the way inspiration should be.